Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I Took Responsibility

I’ve gained 20 pounds!!! I can’t fit into my pants; I won’t buy a bigger size. I’ve been insane for the last year around my weight. My ego said, “you watch what you eat al the time, live a little”, you don’t want to be so restricted with your diet, that food is not that many calories, your not going to gain much weight, don’t get on the scale, you only live once, wear your stretchy pants, you still look good for your age, it only matters that your happy. If you don’t keep track of what your putting into your mouth, it doesn’t count”. Insane--right? Yes, the ego is insane, and I was insane for listening.  I got completely honest with myself. (The ego doesn’t like honesty) I created the weight gain, I chose to listen to my ego and be unconscious. I can do whatever I choose to do, and I can choose a new thought. Changing my mind is the only thing I can change.  I chose to be excited about my good food choices, and being honest about how much I eating. I feel free to have the ego’s chit chat in my head silenced by my honest voice.  I'm eating my three meals a day, four hours between breakfast and lunch and five hours from lunch to dinner. I’m enjoying weighing and measuring my food because I know by doing so I will release the weight easily.  The ego wants to say no. Don’t do that weighing your food thing--it’s too much work. Everything is work--it’s all how I chose to look at it. Right? Its all just a change of the mind, its that simple! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I went to Trader Joe's the other morning and I was hungry. I bought blueberry bran muffins for my daughter (that’s what I told myself) with mascarpone cheese. When I got home, I wanted to heat up the bran muffin for myself and put that cheese on top of it. I cut in in half, put it into the toaster oven. I could feel my heart racing with excitement. As I was getting it ready for the cheese….. I love the corners that are crunchy. I picked a piece off of the muffin and it fell into the garbage can. “Dang it”, I thought. Then I went digging for it in the garbage can (yes! I dug for it in the garbage can). That scrumptious crunchy piece had perfectly landed into a wet egg shell  “Ah!! I thought--that was perfect! I looked at what I called to myself. This gave me a chance to think.... I know there are no mistakes I could say to myself, “what is the big deal, a bran muffin”? The point is, I was committed and involved in doing a three-week cleanse with two other girls.  I remember the 12-step program saying, “those who are unable to be perfectly honest with themselves, there is no hope for those individuals of ever being free of addiction.” Addiction is the ego gone wild. The ego voice just wants to do what It wants with no care of the circumstances. I asked myself, am I being honest? Am I keeping my commitment to my friends and myself? Do I have integrity?  I made myself a cleanse shake and felt my heart at peace. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weight Loss Food Plan

When I released over 100 pounds in 2008, I was on a weight loss program. Here is what I did: Breakfast: eat between 7-9 am 1 oz of grain dry or 3 ounces cooked 1 protein choice 1 fruit choice Lunch: eat between 12 - 2 pm 1 protein choice 6 oz raw veg 6 oz cooked veg 1 Tablespoon Fat 6 oz fruit Dinner: eat between 6 -7 pm 1 protein choice 6 oz raw veg 6 oz cooked veg 1 Tablespoon Fat Protein Choices: For women: 4 oz protein, Men 6 oz (anything with a mother) or 1 cup low fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurt or 2 oz cheese or 2 eggs or 1 C beans or lentils Fruit Choices: all fruit except keep banana, mangos, papaya to 2 times a week or mix with other fruit NO Dried fruit Veg Choices: all vegetables except starchy ones like potato, 3 oz of yams are okay. Grain Choices: only after you release your weight. If you have to have it only 1/2 cup, 2 -3 times a week, but it could slow down weight loss. only whole grains such as brown rice, wild rice, quinoa NO pasta, or process grain. Fat Choices: 1 Tbl butter, mayonnaise, coconut oil, olive oil or 2 Tbl salad dressing